

1. 追女仔時
2. 女朋友生日
3. 聖誕節
4. 情人節
5. 自己媽媽生日
6 求婚
7. 婚戒
8. 為你懷孕,生小BB
9. 和你一起渡過難關後
10. 任何時候,興之所至,無特別原因,只是因為我愛你!


How to Remove a Ring that is Stuck on your Finger DIY



Blue Moon Diamond: $26 Million for Uncut Stone

Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) -- The historic blue moon diamond was found in the Cullinan mine in South Africa -- where 65% of the world's diamond production is sourced. The blue moon was cut down from around 30 carats to 12 by diamond-maker Cora International. Cora International Chief Executive Officer Suzette Gomes explains the process to Bloomberg's Alix Steel.

1. From the video, you can see the original rough diamond has much inclusion. The cutter need to think how to avoid inclusion, and at the same time keep the maximum weight of the diamond. And as the same time, this is a colored diamond, the cutter need to think how to show the color of the diamond.

2. As this diamond is unique and expansive, the cutter needs to make models for planning and test how to cut the diamond. 

3. If just count the color, sapphire or Tanzanite  will have more attractive blue color than the blue diamond. But why still blue diamond is much more expansive than sapphire and Tanzanite? It is because blue diamond is one of the most rare color among color diamond. Many people know colored diamond is rarer than white diamond. And among colored diamond, blue and red diamond are the most rarest. Especially for the diamond in the video, large, pure blue, no grey, intense color, and flawless, cut by expertise, "blue moon" is a suitalbe name for it.

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